Northwest community counseling — Northwest Community Counseling
Northwest Community Counseling

Northwest community counseling

Special Services

Additional Services Offered Through Northwest Community Counseling Services...

We recognize that many people need not only outside assistance with personal issues and problems, but also with continuing growth.


Employee health consultants, inc.

Employee Health Consultants, Inc., a national Employee Assistance Program with a wide range of corporate clients from banking, manufacturing and education to communication, transportation and labor organizations. Our services provide you with the tools you need to help troubled employees while maintaining solid, high-performing worker.

For more information about our EAP, simply call 1-800-365 CARE (2273).

Contact Rick Atwater


A little helping hand

Our mission is to serve those in the community who are uninsured or under-insured.  Many people have catastrophic healthcare which would help with hospitalization or major surgery but little or no coverage for mental health.  Many too have policies with extremely high deductibles. Our services will include an assessment, short-term counseling and a referral if needed.

Contact Maureen Beske

dui services

We wish to offer a prompt, fair evaluation to those seeking our D.U.I. services. Everyone deserves a respectful and honorable treatment, regardless of circumstances regarding the offense or financial situations. Evaluation will be thorough and objective, at the same time respecting the points of view, culture, and attitudes of the service seeker.

Our risk education program is created to learn about the risks and consequences associated with alcohol and other drug use. This interactive course provides the necessary tools and personal skills for a behavioral change. For more information about our DUI program, call (877) 700-6109 or visit

Contact Chris Atwater